Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Are you a Guerrilla!?

by Stuart Ayling of Marketing Nous

On numerous occasions I've heard clients describe their marketing by saying, "I do guerrilla marketing". What they often mean is - I'm not big so I don't need to plan, I'll just think of things as I need to.

In fact, the term 'Guerrilla Marketing' is the title of a book published in 1984 by Jay Conrad Levinson...and his concept was anything BUT reactive.

The book explained Jay's three secrets for great marketing results:

1) Be committed to your marketing program.

2) Think of the program as an investment.

3) Make sure your program is consistent.

"But where do I start?" I hear you ask.

To succeed, make sure you are on track with the right plan of attack. It doesn't matter how small (or large) your marketing budget is - you want to make the most of it.

Then be consistent and enthusiastic with implementing your chosen marketing activities. Customers will notice and you will benefit.

Remember, Guerrilla Marketing is more about investing your time and effort than investing your hard-earned money. So be prepared to do some legwork and watch the benefits unfold!

For more guerrilla tips see Jay Conrad Levinson's web site at


The comments provided in this blog are general in nature and not intended to be specific advice. Each situation is different. You should discuss your circumstances with Alan (or another tax agent) to obtain individual advice before acting on any information.